Dana Chetrinescu Percec was born on May 14, 1976. She is a lecturer in the English Department of the Faculty of Letters, History and Theology, the West University of Timisoara, Romania. She wrote a doctoral thesis on the experience of embodiment in William Shakespeare’s plays. Her published work includes titles like The Body’s Tale. Some Ado about Shakespearean Identities (2006), De la Gargantua la Google (2007), Despre corp şi ipostazele sale în teatrul shakespearian (2007), Shakespeare and the Theatre. An Introduction (2008). Her interests include cultural studies, gender studies and cultural anthropology. She conducted research in various collective projects with a focus on memory and oral history: “Memory practices in an intercultural context. Study case: The Banat”, 2006-2008; “The Timisoara of memory”, 2009; “Mapping the memory resources of the Banat”, 2009. She is co-author of the volume The Banat of Memory edited by Smaranda Vultur. She is a founding member of the Regional Research Interdisciplinary Centre of the West University of Timisoara.

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The Memory of Romanian Dictatorship in the Context of Presidential Election Campaigns